Forest Road 2N61Y runs through Round Valley to Old Timer Canyon, roughly parallel to the easier Burns Canyon Road (2N02), which makes for a nice medium-difficulty run in itself, or coupled with the run up to Heartbreak Ridge or a longer trip to Pioneertown. Though the route has several rocky and technical sections, it gets its “Moderate” rating primarily due to one gnarly section near the southeast end, which has in recent years become optional as an easy, illegal bypass has been cut around it. If taking that bypass the trail may be downgraded to somewhere between Easy and Moderate, traversable in most stock 4X4’s by skilled drivers.

Trail Map

  • Author: Dusty
  • Created: April 6, 2022 9:39 pm
  • Updated: April 7, 2022 7:04 am
Difficulty grade: Moderate
  • Distance Instructions

Trail Rating: MODERATE

Moderate trails are best suited for upgraded 4X4’s with at least one traction device, preferably a “hard” locker, and at least 33″ tires. Body damage is not likely, however rocker panel protection may come in handy for the occasional obstacle. Airing down for traction is recommended, so tire deflators and a method to air back up would be helpful. Trails may also get a Moderate rating for having long, sustained climbs which may tax cooling systems. Be sure your vehicle is in good working order, travel in groups and carry recovery gear and emergency equipment.