Big Bear Bronco Bash XXII was the twenty-second edition of So Cal Broncos’ annual blowout in the San Bernardino Mountains. After having to call an audible and relocate the previous year, we were happy to be back in our historic home, the Majestic Moose Lodge. There were 30+ trail runs offered over 4 days, plus numerous pick-up, ad hoc and impromptu runs. Our best guess was somewhere around 175 Broncos in attendance, roughly split between Early Broncos and 6G’s with a smattering of OJB’s and even a Duece thrown in. Thursday Taco Night was a hit, Friday Mexican Potluck was a hoot, and the Saturday night Bash was off the hook. Once again the SCB grillmasters brought their A-game and everyone enjoyed plenty of food, drink and live music. Looking forward to 2024!

Check out our Photo Galleries from BBBBXXII

(and add YOURS to the collection!)

BBBBXXII – Miscellaneous Photos – June 2023
BBBBXXII – Miscellaneous Photos – June 2023

Miscellaneous photos from Big Bear Bronco Bash XXII that don't fit in any of the other photo galleries. Non-trail run photos, fun around Big Bear Lake, your trip to or from the Bash, etc. ADD YOUR PHOTOS TO THIS GALLERY!

BBBBXXII – Burns Canyon Medium – June 2023
BBBBXXII – Burns Canyon Medium – June 2023

Photos from the Burns Canyon Medium run at Big Bear Bronco Bash XXII, featuring Balky Horse Canyon, Round Valley Trail, Rattler Loop and Burns Canyon Road. ADD YOUR PHOTOS TO THIS GALLERY!